2015保利“艺起来”国际艺术博览会将于9月20日拉开序幕。此次博览会是“艺起来”组委会历时两年时间打造的集专业化、国际化为一体的高端艺术品交易博览会。它不仅是一个艺术品的展览销售场所,更是一个艺术文化资源整合、推广、教育的平台,甚至是带动城市活力的文化事件。首届艺术博览会气势恢宏、声势浩大。展览中心展厅面积约为2万平方米,涵盖了当代艺术、古董文玩、设计产品等门类,取得了海内外众多战略合作伙伴的友情襄助。我们将以图文的形式持续为您介绍本次博览会的各家展商。今天我们将为您介绍Animamix、aye gallery、NUOART画廊和艾米李画廊。
2015 Poly “Art Up” International Art Fair will be opened at September 20th, 2015, and the fair will last until September 27th. The Expo took the "Art up" committee two years to build this specialized and internationalized high-end art trade fair. This art fair is not just a venue for exhibiting and trading, but also a platform where cultural resources could be integrated and spread, which can even bringing vitality to the city. The First “Art Up” art fair will be magnificent and influential, we have invited international exhibitors, and of course, collectors at home and abroad. Exhibition hall is about 2 million square meters, covers contemporary art, antique, product design and other categories.
Animamix动漫美学,为著名美籍华人策展人、艺评家、新锐导演陆蓉之(Victoria Lu)所提出的概念。其包括:
Animamix aesthetics is a concept that proposed by famous Chinese American curator Victoria Lu. which includes:
1. Comic and animation aesthetics is expressed in a variety of forms in popular culture, like the worship of youth, the pursuit of the beauty of the youth.
2. Animation aesthetic art has multiple narrative form, these form themselves constitute a visual language.
3. From the electronic media of the brilliant light, Animamix creates a new visual art experience.
4. Animation aesthetics is based on interaction and cross-border cooperation of human, media, property and resources.
陆蓉之 美人鱼 艺术微喷 60x100cm 2015
Viki Lulu Mermaid art micro jet 60x100cm 2015
陆蓉之 树精 艺术微喷 60x100cm 2015
Viki Lulu Sylvans art micro jet 60x100cm 2015
泡泡 孤独星球 丙烯、玻璃钢 53x25x25cm 2015
Paopao Lonely Planet Acrylic on FRP 53x25x25cm 2015
aye gallery 成立于2005年12月,地处北京中心城区,雍和宫、国子监、地坛等历史文化名胜围绕四周。画廊以中国当代艺术为主营方向,一方面展览推广风格各异、且在中国现代艺术史上有着重要地位的艺术家;另一方面,画廊也将探寻与年轻艺术家的合作之路。同时,画廊适时举办学术讲座,给艺术家及收藏家提供一个交流探讨艺术的场所。
aye gallery opened on December, 2005 in the central area of Beijing city with historical and cultural relics surrounding such as Yong He Gong, Guo Zi Jian and Ditan Park. The focus of the gallery is to show and promote the various style works of Chinese artists who are important on the history of contemporary art, and also devotes itself to the development of young and emerging artists. aye gallery also hold professional and academic lectures for artists and collectors to communicate about art and culture.
江芳 清凉 100x100cm 布面油画2015
Jiang Fang, Refreshing 100x100cm, oil on canvas, 2015
史新骥 一隅天山 108x80cm,布面油画2014
Shi Xinji, The Corner of Tianshan Mountain, 108x80cm, oil on canvas, 2014
王亚彬 忘忧路 82x65cm 布面综合2014
Wang Yabin, Lotus Road,82x65cm, Mixed media on canvas, 2014
As one of the most influential young and budding art agencies, NUOART Gallery is located in the center of 798 Art Quarter. With a total area of 600㎡ and an exhibition hall of 300㎡, NUOART provides expertise in commercial operations, academic study, and international exchange. With both the future and the present state of the Chinese art world in mind, NUOART observes the tradition and the trend in culture. We are not the puppet of popularity. We uphold the values of humanism. We discover artists who are original and experimental, who root their creativity in Chinese culture. We endeavor to build a platform of quality artworks for emerging collectors.
蔡泽滨 小丑般的化妆 布面丙烯 60x80cm_2015
Cai Zebin, A clown-like make-up Acrylic on canvas, 60x80cm, 2015
Wang Yabin, Flower, Oil on canvas, 50x60cm, 2014
2008年创立于北京二十二院街艺术区,原名对画空间, 2013年迁至草场地艺术区新址并启用新名艾米李画廊。艾米李画廊共800平米展示空间,致力于推广当代艺术,秉持扶持及推广年轻艺术家的宗旨,同时与众多国内外优秀艺术家合作,每年6-8个涵盖多种艺术媒介,有学养与实验性并存的个展及群展, 目标搭建中外艺术交流平台, 参与并见证着中国当代艺术的发展。近几年画廊合作的艺术家包括:李继开,马丹,郭剑,罗苇,叶甫纳,刘俐蕴,于凡,尹朝阳,王劲松,叶永青,Marc Desgrandchamps(法国),Pierrick Sorin,(法国), Henning Espedal (挪威)等。艾米李画廊通过敏锐的审美触角, 稳扎稳打的态度,不断进取的精神,在时间的历练中逐渐形成了个性鲜明的画廊。
Amy Lee Gallery has an 800-square-meters exhibition space, committed to promote contemporary art and support young artists. Amy Lee Gallery also cooperates with many domestic and foreign artists; their art covers a variety of art media. The gallery also holds solo and group exhibitions. Amy Lee Gallery is aiming to set a communication platform between China and foreign countries and being a witness of the development of Chinese modern arts.
In recent years, Amy Lee gallery cooperates with many artists, including Li Jikai, Ma Dan, Guo Jian, Luo Wei, Ye Funa, Liu Li Yun. In all, Yin, Wang Jinsong, Ye Yongqing, Marc Desgrandchamps (France), pierrick Sorin (France) and Henning Espedal (Norway) and other.
Ma Da, The summer sun3 (Diptych), Oil on canvas, 120x200cm, 2015
Guo Jian, Little Elephant, Spray paint on bronze, 70x30x45cm, 2015
联系人: 安小姐、谭小姐
网站Website: http://yql.polyvip.com/