The Author Gallery was founded in 2003. Mr. Cai Pengcheng, the owner of the gallery, has been a collector for more than twenty years. So we do have rich experiences and good eyes to choose artistic works and artists.
The Author Gallery always keeps in close touch with artists and collectors. We made some exhibitions periodically. In the past few years, we had hold “Water-colors and Oil-paintings of Luo Zhongli”, “Scenery in China---Bai Yuping and Zhang Dongfeng”, and some exhibitions of young artists such as “New Vision on Realistic Paintings ---Chen Liu’s solo exhibition” and “Collection of Fantasies—Xiang Qing Hua’s solo exhibition”. “Individual Power --- Young Artists from Sichuan” (The curator: Wang Lin), and “Studying the Conerete --- Exhibition of Contemporary Oil Painting by Sixteen Painters from Guangdong” (The curator: Pi Daojian). More than 300 collectors and artists attended the opening ceremony in each exhibition. The Author Gallery is not only an excellent gallery but also a nice salon.
The Author Gallery takes part in all kinds of art fair actively. For examples: ‘SHANGHAI ART FAIR’, ‘SH CONTEMPORARY’,‘ART BEI JING’, ‘LA ART SHOW’,’ART TAIPEI’. In those expositions, we won praises for our good-eyes and our honesty from collectors and artists. And the Culture Ministry appoints the Author Gallery as the honest gallery in China 2006.
罗中立 巴山情 120×95cm 布面油画 2005
苏笑柏 得绿 104×140cm 木板麻布油彩大漆 2003
Xiaobai SU, Find Greenness, 104×140cm, Wooden Plate-linen-oil-lacquer, 2003
王小松 漠然 100×150cm 布面油画 2013
Wang Xiaosong, Indifference, 100×150cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Xin Dong Cheng Space for Contemporary Art was founded in the year 2000 in Beijing, China. Xin Dong Cheng's aim is to establish a cultural artistical bridge between China and the rest of the world. By exhibiting Chinese and western artists in China, Xin Dong Cheng gives the Chinese public an opportunity – after half a century of interruption – to broaden their knowledge of modern and contemporary art from the west. Xin Dong Cheng also leads the western public towards a fresh discovery and appreciation of Chinese contemporary art, already widely appreciated in international art circles.
Huang Zhiyang, Zoon-Dreamscape, 475cm×140cm
Shi Jianmin, Sky, stainless steel, 90x71x185cm, 2005
Wu Mingzhong, The Heaven on Earth No.6, 300X800CM, oil on canvas,
First cause creative is committed to become the art management and consulting company. This company is based on the wealth of China, creative sectors, institutions and individuals to provide professional art asset management, brand promotion and other related services, which is mainly focused on four major services: art fund management, art asset allocation, cultural industry investment and Art promotion planning.
The management team and consultants come mainly from the financial companies, culture and media industries. Combined with the domestic and foreign intelligence resources, they could perform their cooperation-first management mode.
党震 水世界3 45.5x39cm 纸本设色 2014
杜小同 夏天风景 215×50cm 水墨宣纸 2014
范琛 静流 35x69cm 纸本设色 2014
北京非凡仕文化艺术有限公司成立于2014年8月,于2014年10月在北京、广州两地开设画廊空间。非凡仕艺术FEEFAN'S ART致力于推介当代有实力的优秀艺术家作品,并与公司相关机构“北京苞谷仓会员俱乐部”联合定期举办有品质的文化沙龙活动。
FEEFAN'S art was established in August 2014 and opened two galleries in Beijing and Guangzhou two months later. FEEFAN'S art committed to promote contemporary artists, and hold regularly culture salon with the relevant agencies like "Beijing corn warehouse club".
刘庆和 报告 68×50cm 纸本水墨 2014
武艺 大幻金刚 66.5cm×44.5cm纸本水墨 2014
2015 保利“艺起来”国际艺术博览会将在2015年9月20日开幕,展会将持续到9月27日,而众多周边活动则将一直持续到10月31日。此次博览会是“艺起来”组委会历时两年时间打造的集专业化、国际化为一体的高端艺术品交易博览会。它不仅是一个艺术品的展览销售场所,更是一个艺术文化资源整合、推广、教育的平台,甚至是带动城市活力的文化事件。首届艺术博览会气势恢宏、声势浩大,将会邀请国际大藏家光临。展览中心展厅面积约为2万平方米,涵盖了当代艺术、古董文玩、设计产品等门类,取得了海内外众多战略合作伙伴的友情襄助。
2015 Poly “Art Up” International Art Fair will be opened at September 20th, 2015, and the fair will last until September 27th. The Expo took the "Art up" committee two years to build this specialized and internationalized high-end art trade fair. This art fair is not just a venue for exhibiting and trading, but also a platform where cultural resources could be integrated and spread, which can even bringing vitality to the city. The First “Art Up” art fair will be magnificent and influential, we have invited international exhibitors, and of course, collectors at home and abroad. Exhibition hall is about 2 million square meters, covers contemporary art, antique, product design and other categories.
联系人: 安小姐 谭小姐
网站Website: http://yql.polyvip.com/